Gasp! Choke! Gag! That’s how people react when you tell them your business does not have a website. So do you really need one? This article attempts to show you how you can use the internet (and websites) to maximise your business potential using simple internet marketing strategies.

Hello, Mr. Superman

If all you do is answer your e-mail promptly, respond to queries and conduct some sort of business over e-mail, you will be achieving more in one day than most websites do in a year!

Life Without Websites: C’est Possible!

Paper was the most effective method of making sure things were read – until e-mail came along. If you look at e-mail as a dynamic form of paper, you will be able to achieve the same (if not better) results in getting your message across convincingly. Unfortunately, most people look at e-mail as aletter writing tool instead of using it as a communication tool.

Read more here to learn how powerful a website is!