If you’ve been watching the news and reading the papers, and finding yourself continually asking this question, you may need to rethink your strategy. Although building a web site can seem incredibly foreign to most of us, it really isn’t that difficult or expensive.
Yet it is critical because, even at a minimum, web sites are like business cards these days (although they can be far more than that) in that they represent your business to the world at large. Even if you’re thinking “our business is locally-based, how can the ‘world wide web’ really be relevant to me?” Read on because that could be misleading. Think of it this way, if you don’t have a web site, chances are your competitors do. Let’s take a look at some numbers to examine just what that could mean to you.
And the number of small business web sites are on the rise.
Clearly this means it is becoming more and more likely that your competitors will be getting online if they aren’t already. In fact, if you compete against larger businesses this is in fact is even more so.
Know the relevance of a web site in helping your business succeed!